Nathanaël Khodl Bootstrapping Developer

I'm mostly doing some 💻 dev with a quick execution, realizing 💥 MVPs for companies and 🚀 nano startups for myself. I created popular 🤖 chatbots services, reaching millions of users. I'm now developing tools for the 🗺 expat community.

My latest posts

December 10 2022

Don’t Fall for a Scam: 11 Tips for Finding a Legitimate Job with the United Nations

Finding a job with the United Nations or another international organization, such as a non-governmental organization (NGO) or inter-governmental agency, can be a highly competitive process. However, it is important to be cautious and do your research in order to avoid falling victim to scams.

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July 5 2017

50+ ideas to master conversational interfaces and chatbots

Botsbase showcases the best ideas to improve communication with users, helping to increase retention and conversion.

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They talk about my projects

TechCrunch Product Hunt The Economist Forbes Venture Beat Bilan RTS 20 Minutes Startup Ticker Venture Lab CREA Jeux video Bloomberg Swisscom Propteq Swisscom Y Combinator GHI Octree Nouvo Fusion Tribune de Genève Zapier and more...

UN Talent

Job aggregator for vacancies at the United Nations. Find your new job, internship, consulting contract, or become a volunteer.

  • 800K members
  • 250K jobs
  • 600K visits/month
Visit / Chatfuel

First known as Paquebot, then acquired and rebranded as Chatfuel. Create chatbots to engage with your audience on Telegram, without code.

  • 12M subscribers
  • 70M messages/day
  • 11 languages


The tailored agenda that consider that people can have different moods. Also the most complete database for local events.

  • 2 cities
  • 60K events
  • 5K users/month

One api to rule all the messengers — with smooth UI. Create chatbots with real navigation on a central and completely neutral platform

Work in progress

Sans Sursis

Browser game - only in french - inspired by Prison Break. The game mechanisms made some people play for years.

  • 30K members
  • 100M page view
  • 12% bounce rate

Busted App

Crowd-sourced alerts in public transports. 3% of the local population installed the app in few months.

  • 2 cities
  • 40K installs

I can answer in 🇨🇭 French or 🇦🇺 English.